Equine Acupuncture Referrals

Equine Acupuncture Referrals

Lecture Topics for Kerry Ridgway�s Course

The Crooked Horse Syndrome � Laterality/Limb Dominance Postural Biomechanics

Laterality�s Relationship to Musculo-Skeletal problems

The Crooked Horse - Equine Therapeutic Options

Manifestations of Laterality

The Role of Fascial and Muscle Specific Acupuncture in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Musculo-Skeletal Pathology

Low Heel/High Heel Syndrome � effects on Vertebral Function

The role of the Hyoid Muscles in limiting Equine Performance

Sacral Ligament Desmitis

The Psoas Muscle group � A Source of Performance Problems

Equine Ulcers � You really need to know more!

Acupuncture Treatment points for Equine GI Ulcers

Prevention Strategies against Soft Tissue Injuries
